Community Outreach Ministry
The Community Outreach Ministry of Park Avenue Christian Church Disciples of Christ provides a variety of educational, economic and social services to Oranges of New Jersey and surrounding communities. In pursuit of this mission, our membership strives to foster, energize and connect people with services and opportunities. Establish key relationships with local charity organizations to develop, promote and provide service opportunities in the areas of special need
We are dedicated to building a strong community and committed to supporting activities that enhance and serve the communities in which we live. Community involvement and volunteerism is an integral components of our culture. We believe giving back to the community is a “win-win” scenario for both Park Avenue and the organizations that we support. Our volunteer activities boost morale, strengthen us and our communities, and improve communication and community relations.
- Each Thanksgiving Park Avenue Christian Church prepares Thanksgiving Dinners for individuals and families living at the YMCA.
- Our Outreach Shoe Box Ministry yearly prepares boxes of items to be given to women, men, and children's houses in various Shelters/Refuge Centers throughout the area. Articles are donated by members of the congregation.
- Supporting local libraries with donations of educational and Christian books